Frequently asked questions


Q - Do you ship worldwide?

A - Yes, I ship all over the world by standard delivery . The vast majority of my items ship to the USA, Canada, Australia, the EU and UK. Everyone is welcome to place an order. You can upgrade the delivery for the more secure, faster and with tracking number service for a fee. Please send a message about this option

Q - Are your items ready to ship?

A -  Most of them are ready to ship. Please see information in the listing details.

Q - Do your headbands fit older children?

A - Yes, most of my headbands are tie back style and made with stretchy fabric for the bands. They will fit from newborn to much older children. Please see sizes in the listing details.

Q - Do you do custom orders?

A- Yes, I can make something specially for you. Just send me a message about it.  

 Q - Do you combine shipping costs?

A - Yes, shipping is charged only once. You can buy as much as you want on a single order and the shipping price will not change.